
The Ultimate Guide to UX Designer Salaries

The success of every product; whether it is the ergonomic workspace you’ve created, the application you’re using to order your groceries or the email client you are typing into, can be linked to their brilliance in product design. UX designers have the sole responsibility of making any product/requirement easy and enjoyable to use. Therefore, UX […]

Design Product

Intuitive Design: Creating a User-Focused Product

When conceptualizing and creating a product, intuitive design is a primary concern for many designers looking to optimize ease of use. While the concept is not new, it’s become increasingly important for product creators to keep in mind as the market becomes saturated with a range of offerings in the same spaces. With the average […]


Working as a UI Professional

Each time we engage with a digital screen, we’re also responding to the work of user interface designers. Every page and section is carefully designed to make your experience as smooth and intuitive as possible. A UI professional is responsible for representing a brand online in a way that is aligns with the brand’s purpose. […]


The Top 5 Product Design Podcasts to Check Out in 2021

In a field as fast paced as Product Design, keeping up with the latest developments is part of the job description. While blogs, social media groups, and YouTube channels are great ways to stay in touch with what other leaders are sharing from their knowledge and experience, Product Design podcasts have become a favorite mode […]


5 Product Design Roles

Product Design encompasses the entire process of creating a product or service. From identifying the market need for it to actualizing and refining it, Product Designers lead those efforts.  With such a wide range of duties, Product Design requires an entire team consisting of various roles, each with a different specific contribution to the finished […]


Top Skills for Product Designers to Succeed

Everything around us is designed. Therefore, Product Designers span across multiple industries, categories, job titles and career paths. Design has become the core focus for many companies and designers have become indispensable to any decision-making at the product level. Needless to say, shoes this big can’t be easy to fill. A Product designer is expected […]


The Difference Between UX and UI

UX and UI are not as identical as their names would suggest, although the two areas are often mistakenly perceived as synonymous terms. Understanding the difference between them is an important first step to finding out which field suits you best. This allows you to go deeper into the skills and knowledge you’ll need for […]


What is Product Design?

Most people believe Product Design is mainly about aesthetics—what a product looks or feels like. However, this isn’t all that the field is. At its heart, Product Design is about solving problems. It is the process of identifying and defining a problem to develop a solution that effectively solves the problem for the user. Aesthetics […]